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Showing posts from 2005

Science toys..

Make toys at home with common household materials, often in only a few minutes, that demonstrate fascinating scientific principles Have a look at this.. or

What an average programmer does..?

A routine job.. Going to office, reading mails, fixing bugs.. Same stuff... Same database, same code, same logic in different variations... Isn't there a need for a change.. Trying something different out of our comfort zone... For eg.. a web developer, trying hands at windows programming, a windows programmer dirtying hands with systems programming.. etc.. etc...

Currently delving into..

Posting after quite a good gap. That's because currently I am trying to digest basic computer science concepts related to algorithms, data structures, application of logarithms, the Big O notation etc.. Its not that I am not aware of the above concept, but occassionally everything needs brushing, so that the accumulated dust gets wiped off..

When nature plays game, its always one sided!!!

This has what happened when nature plays game !!! The rains which began on 26th July, halted mumbai's pace. The most affected place were kurla, sion, chembur, goregaon, santacruz, kalyan, badlapur, thane, andheri (sakinaka)... The loss cannot be written down in this blog. This space is too little to understand the emotions and truama of those suffered.... But, its amazing to see, how fast mumbai is back to life...

Time management !!!

Yesterday, attended my first lecture on Time Management as part of my E-MBA course. The crux of the matter was to able to save 20 minutes of quality time a day. Some sample equation... 20 minutes a day 600 minutes a month 7200 minutes a year. i.e 120 hours a year.. For 25 years + more of life time you have got 3000 hours of more time which you can utilise to achieve your life goals.. To manage time ==> is to manage self. And self management requires some discipline which is not developed overnight. Patience and practice is required... More to come...

Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

RSS is a Web content syndication format. Its acronym stands for Really Simple Syndication. RSS is a dialect of XML. All RSS files must conform to the XML 1.0 specification, as published on the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) website. For more info... Click here RSS Sample code to read RSS feed in private DataTable GetRSSFeed(string strURL ) { //Retrieve the XML data XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(strURL); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.ReadXml(reader) ; return ds.Tables[2]; } // for displaying the RSS feed add the following code to the page load event. private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string strURL = Server.MapPath ("rss.xml"); //""; dgRSS.DataSource = GetRSSFeed(strURL); dgRSS.DataBind(); } When the dataset is generated from ReadXML, three tables are created in the dataset, one for each rss, channel and item tag. Since we ...

Design Pattern - Strategy

Today out of curiosity, I was experimenting with strategy design pattern. Here's the outcome of my experiment. Strategy pattern falls under the Behavioral category. The Intent: Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it. The strategy pattern embodies two fundamental principle of object oriented programming. First encapsulate the concept which changes behaviour and program against the interface. I had written a small notepad application to illustrate the use of strategy. Other things remaining same, the dynamics of the pattern is applied when using the "find" method in the notepad. Based on the user's selection either a normal "find" alogrithm is invoked or a "regex" based algorithm is used. The application being trivial, you wont find much regex code. Its used only for demonstration purpose. Dissecting the application (1) Program agai...

.net Reflection Tip

To convert a string to its corresponding type use the following code snippet... /// /// To get the underlying property type for the object /// /// The object for which u r finding the property info. /// The name of the property.. eg. For form object, say finding the Location property /// The property value. /// An object containing the underlying propertytype. private object ConvertStringToPropertyType(object control, string propertyName, string val) { object result = null; Type type = control.GetType(); PropertyInfo p = type.GetProperty(propertyName); Type propertyType = p.PropertyType; TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(propertyType); result = converter.ConvertFrom(val); return result; } for eg. if you pass

Javascript Mouse Event I

My attempt at learning javascript... Call the init() method from the body tag.. The text should follow the cursor when u execute this script. ns4 = (document.layers)? true:false ie4 = (document.all)? true:false var str = "Javascript magic!!!" var block; function init() { document.onmousedown = mouseDown document.onmousemove = mouseMove document.onmouseup = mouseUp if (ns4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN | Event.MOUSEMOVE | Event.MOUSEUP) if (ns4) block = document.blockDiv if (ie4) block = } function mouseDown(e) { if ((ns4 && e.which!=1) || (ie4 && event.button!=1)) return true var x = (ns4)? e.pageX : event.x+document.body.scrollLeft var y = (ns4)? e.pageY : event.y+document.body.scrollTop return true } function mouseMove(e) { var x = (ns4)? e.pageX : event.x+document.body.scrollLeft var y = (ns4)? e.pageY : event.y+document.body.scrollTop status = "x:"+x+" y:"+y //document.write(str) block.left = x ... -> Server.Execute and Server.Transfer

Server.Execute -------------- The Server.Execute function accepts a URL parameter, stops execution of the current page (where the call to the function is made), and transfers the current environment to the new page. When that new page finishes execution, then control returns to the calling page just after where the Server.Execute was called Server.Transfer --------------- Terminates execution of the current page and begins execution of a new page for the current request.

Some Interview Questions!!!

(1) Explain Indexing [In detail]. (2) What is the difference between regular dll and COM dll. (3) Cursor, Triggers, Stored Procedures [also exception handling]. (4) For XML, OPENXML ins SQL Server. (5) Web Services (consuming from Javascript, security[WSE], SOAP authentication]. (6) Web Server Control and HTML Controls (7) DataGrid, DataList and Repeater server controls. (8) XML, XSL, DOM (9) Application architecture [NTier] (10)Types of authentication in (11)Response.Redirect v/s Server.Transfer (12)State Management in [emphasis on ViewState] (13)Caching (types of cachng - Page caching/output caching, fragment caching, data catching) (14) page life cycle and application life cycle. (15)Remoting (ClientActivated/ServerActivated), channels. (16)Javascript (Confirm, alert, accessing objects on page, GetElementByID)

Rotating text

private void Form1_Paint(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e) { string s = ".net works"; e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(this.ClientSize.Width/2,this.ClientSize.Height/2); for(int a=0;a { e.Graphics.DrawString(s,Font,Brushes.Black,50,0,StringFormat.GenericTypographic); e.Graphics.RotateTransform(36); } } In the above code the origin has been translated to the centre of the screen, and the text is rotated by 30 degrees.

Double buffering !!!

To set up automatic double buffering for a Form, you would use the following line of code in the constructor, after the InitializeComponent method call. c# this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint ControlStyles.UserPaint ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer,true); vb me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint OR _ ControlStyles.UserPaint OR _ ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer,true)

User interface Tips

(1) Always create a base control for all you gui widgets. for eg. public class UButton : System.Windows.Forms.Button { //........................ } and similiarly for other controls. This will help you maintain consistency of gui elements across all user interfaces. (2) Create your own base form instead of using System.Windows.Forms.Form public class UForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form { } This will help you maintain consistency across all forms. (3) And similarly for web forms and user controls.