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Showing posts from 2014

Mastering Mathematics and Computer Science

I am trying to put down a list which will enable one master mathematics (self study).  Initially this is a random list of links, but will be organized subsequently based on skill level. Mastering Mathematics 1.  Algebra, Algebra 2, AP Statistics, Calculus, Calculus 2, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Trigonomery UMKC: Richard Delaware College Algebra: Calculus 1 - 2. NPTEL Core Mathematics 1 (sem 1 and sem 2) Mathematics in India (from Vedic Period to Modern times) Probability and Statistics Mathematical Logic Mastering Computer Science MIT: Mathematics for Computer Science https:/

C# Abstract Class Vs. Interface - Building a simple rule engine

In this video post we will briefly go over the difference between abstract class and an interface.  This is one of the most confusing concepts for beginners to understand. In the following video we will walkthrough step by step through these concepts and build a simple RuleEngine as a demo. Please do note that this rule engine is not fully functional and production ready, but is demonstrated to make the concepts clear. Please leave your constructive comments and also suggestions about future videos, if you like to have on any specific topics.

HTML5 Canvas Apprenticeship Video Series - Part 1

Welcome back again.  Just a short update on videos.  I have started publishing videos on HTML5 Canvas Apprenticeship.  The series of videos will take you  from 0 to mastering HTML5 canvas element in no time. All the source code for this series is available on github @ Preview the first part here which cover the introduction to the series.

01- Introduction to QlikVeiw Extensions Development Videos

Starting June 2014 I have started posting video tutorials on  The first video is on QlikView extensions development and I am progressively planning to add tons of tutorials on various topics including HTML5 development, game programming, web development, mobile develpment, design patterns, single page applications and much more. Please be patient with the videos as I am slowly improving the quality as I learn more about the recording process. Enjoy the video here..