The C Journey Lesson One : Introduction C is everywhere, though .net, java, python is taking the world by storm. It is still one of the fundamental language to learn beginning programming. Though some may argue the case to be otherwise, but this is the way which worked best for me. Lets get to the heart of the matter. Every C program begins with a main() function. main() is the entry point for a C program. Let's write our first program, which is a hello world. #include stdio.h /* This program prints "Hello World" on the console. */ void main() { printf("Hello World\n"); } The above program highlights many important features of C. Note the include file "stdio.h". The printf() function is located in this header file. You can treat stdio.h as a library containing many input/output functions. Later on we will see how to write our own such library. Compile this program in your favorite editor and run it. You will be greeted with a "Hello W...
My technical notes, the lessons learned, the mistakes commited, the rectification made and my journey towards understanding the technology, life and the hidden power in our own little universe.