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Showing posts from November, 2010

Learn like a child

This is a post to symbolize how much your child can teach you. This is dedicated to all the teachers in our little ones who periodically reminds us or open up little nuggets on the philosophy of living and learning. Have you ever paid attention to how a child learns? For e.g. if you give him anything for e.g. a toy, what does he do with it? First since toys are usually bright in colors kids are attracted to it. Once toys catches their attention the child touches it. Then it shakes it to hear the sound. Then it smells it. Then it try to put it in his mouth. And finally it throws it away..... Hmm.. You may think this is silly and the child's attention span is very less. But in reality the child is using all the five senses to understand things around it. For e.g. he sees the colour, he touches it, he smells it, he shakes it to hear the sound, he puts it in his mouth to check how it tastes and then when there is nothing more to learn he throws it and tries to break it ...